21/09/21 - 16/11/21 (Week 5 - Week 13)
Chan Jing Wen (0340480)
Creative Brand Strategy
Final Project


Lecture 6 (28/09/21)

We updated Ms Lilian on our progression and plans to meet up for shooting and got feedback.

Lecture 7 (05/10/21)

We updated Ms Lilian on our post progression and got feedback. She also discussed the tu_slae Instagram account's posting during class. 

Lecture 8 (12/10/21)

Self-learning Week

Lecture 9 (19/10/21)

Public Holiday

Lecture 10 (26/10/21)

We updated Ms Lilian on our progression and new account and got feedback.

Lecture 11 (02/11/21)

Ms Lilian informed us that the campaign is extended and we can choose if we wanted to continue posting or just work on our final presentation slides. 

Lecture 12 (09/11/21)

We showed Ms Lilian our presentation slides and she gave us feedback to work on.

Lecture 13 (16/11/21)

We presented our final presentation to SLAE and the judges.


Final Project

Week 5 (21/09/21)

After we finalised our project 2, we had Hasya try filming the unboxing video and take some photos so we could edit them before posting them onto social media. 

As we were waiting for the content, Sean did some testing of our art direction on various stock images.

Figure 1.1 Art Direction Application

After we received the content from Hasya, we tried applying the art direction to them. However, we quickly realised that the quality wasn't really there so we plan to meet up with Hasya to film some of the contents.

Week 6 (28/09/21)

We met up this week to take photos and videos. Below are screenshots of some raw files we have taken and uploaded into our shared google drive.

Figure 1.2 Screenshot of Shared Drive 01

Figure 1.3 Screenshot of Shared Drive 02

After taking the photos, we quickly did some of the editing as we wanted to post some during the week. Hui Woan helped to adjust the colours of the photos while I added the graphic elements afterwards. Sean found some soundtracks and graphic elements which suits our video. I did the rough cut for the unboxing video and pass it back to Sean for the graphic elements. 

Content posted during the week:

Figure 1.4 1st Posting on @_pvtrhsy

Figure 1.5 2nd Posting on @_pvtrhsy

Figure 1.6 3rd Posting on @_pvtrhsy

Figure 1.7 Unboxing Video Posted on @_pvtrhsy

After all of the postings, we noticed our content wasn't doing as good as we wanted so we started thinking if we should change a direction. We noticed that Hasya's audience seem to favour content that showcases Hasya more than the products.

Week 7 (05/10/21)

After receiving the feedback, we thought that the schedule we've planned for the posting was a bit too packed. We decided to decrease the number of posts on Hasya's account as it might affect her engagement. 

We ended up only posting the daily make-up tutorial on Hasya's private account.

Figure 1.8 Daily Make-up tutorial

All groups also decided that we should change our schedule on the @tu_slae account so we can showcase our influencers more. We ended up posting 3 postings on the account so we could have Taylor's help repost our account. I also drafted the captions since this platform is to promote the influencers and engage with the audience. We decided it could be different from Hasya's own posting on her account since her account is more personal and direct but ours is more of an open platform.  

Figure 1.9 1st Posting on @tu_slae

Figure 2.1 2md Posting on @tu_slae

Figure 2.2 3rd Posting on @tu_slae

Week 8 (12/10/21)

This week we posted the TikTok trends on both @_pvtrhsy and @tu_slae . The TikTok trends did quite well on Hasya's account. 

Since Hasya edited the trend videos herself, I only had to design the covers for the videos.

Figure 2.3 Tiktok 1 Cover

Figure 2.4 Tiktok 1 Video

Figure 2.5 Tiktok 2 Cover

Figure 2.6 Tiktok 2 Cover

Week 9 (19/10/21)

After receiving feedback from Ms Lilian, we decided that we needed another account to post our content. This account will allow us to explore more on our art direction and prevent overexposure on Hasya's personal account. Below are the posts we managed to put out during this week.

Figure 2.7 All Posting on @chrysahasya During Week 9

Week 10 (26/10/21)

We revised some of our posts and posted another 6 posts on the @chrysahasya account.

Figure 2.8 6 New Postings on @chrysahasya During Week 10

We also posted the bottom middle and bottom right post on the @tu_slae account. We also posted the sharing experience video on the @tu_slae account during this week.

Week 11 (02/11/21)

Ms Lilian informed us that the campaign period has been extended till 15th November. Our group collectively decided that we will not be creating any more content and will focus on the presentation slides. 

Below is our progression of the presentation slide during the week:

Figure 2.9 Presentation Slide Week 11 Progression

We also noticed that SLAE actually replayed our sharing experience on their Instagram account (@slae_hq). Click here to see the posting.

Figure 3.1 SLAE Instagram Repost

Week 12 (09/11/21)

We made some amendments to the slides after receiving feedback from Ms Lilian. Below are the final slides which we presented to the judges for the campaign during Week 13.

Figure 3.2 Final Presentation Slides


Week 6 (28/09/21) 
Specific Feedback: It's good we decide to meet up and take pictures. We will be able to control the standards of photos. The examples we showed for the edits are fine. However, we're mostly using white so maybe we can consider applying other colours from our colour palette. We'll need to work fast and try to do the designs earlier so we won't rush at the end. 

Week 7 (05/10/21)
General Feedback: posting one post per day on TU_SLAE is a bit insufficient. The audience will not be able to meet all the influencers at once. Please introduce all influencers as soon as possible so we can ask Taylor's to help us repost. We also need to add a profile picture and description to the account.

Specific Feedback: Can't see much use of our typeface, colours, etc. The makeup video placement of text is a bit awkward (but this was due to the concern of captions overlapping on the video for the phone screen). It's a good observation from us on what posts are doing better than the other. We should try to revise this for the upcoming posts. 

Week 8 (12/10/21) 
Self-learning week 

Week 9 (19/10/21) 
Public holiday but Ms Lilian gave us feedback on WhatsApp.

General Feedback: As you are doing a project in a Graphic Design module, please be reminded that graphic output is vital for your assessment even if the nature of the campaign is makeup based. (Please refer to your MIB assessment criteria for final project in relevance to identity representation) The basic brief of your module is still to brand a person through this campaign of them representing a brand to promote makeup. The underlining value that pins each influencer is worth exploring and will give depth to the representation. So a gentle reminder that conversion for influencer and winning does not guarantee high grades for this module. It is to be reminded that process is important (so do keep them to support your submission) as well as execution and delivery.

Specific Feedback: So far have yet to reveal the brand's underlining story or positioning, basically what she stands for (A shy girl with skin issues but using make up to built confidence). Like the Instagram reels thus far (and this is not only riding the trend but represents transformation,  just that the big idea is not clear in execution). Despite adapting to achieve higher conversion by focusing on having influencer visually present in each output, the reliance of video content is limiting.

Week 10 (26/10/21) 
Specific Feedback: Our art direction was executed consistently but we can try to include more graphics. It was good to create another account, a good contingency planning. The usage of more typography was a good choice. The sharing experience post is a bit congested. can try to separate the parts so people can digest them better. The sharing experience video is fine but it's too long, people might not sit through the whole thing. 

Week 11 (02/11/21) 
Specific Feedback: All the postings are great, quite efficient that we created 6 more posts after the feedback. The revising of the sharing experience post is good. The Shopee video might not be counted since it's not SLAE related. Since the campaign period is extended, we can consider doing additional postings for promo codes.

Week 12 (09/11/21)
Specific Feedback: Shorten the text for the "about Hasya" and "campaign description" sections. Change the photo for the target audience. The text "Chrysa Hasya" on slide 12 can be changed into our primary typeface. The typeface, graphical element slides are quite cramped. We can consider having more slides to showcase everything clearly. We need to add a slide for the secondary typeface. The statistics are good but we need to showcase our creative execution as well. We can show that before showing our statistics.

Week 13 (16/11/21)
Specific Feedback (from SLAE): overall the campaign was good, the sharing experience video was their favourite!


Week 6 (28/09/21); I felt more relief as we could meet up for the content. I think it was great that we could all physically meet because it definitely eases communication and is more efficient. Week 7 (05/10/21); I feel a bit bad for Hasya because I can tell that she is getting worried about all of the postings. It seems like we are burdening her because our goals aren't aligned. Week 8 (12/10/21); I honestly feel a bit lost because we don't really know how much or how less we can post on Hasya's account. I really do feel like it's a bit unfair to Hasya because she didn't expect that we would be doing this for an assignment and it turned out not to be what she wanted. Week 9 (19/10/21); I'm relieved that we chose to create another account. This way, we can post more while not bothering Hasya and doing harm to her account. Week 10 (26/10/21); We've finally come to the end of our campaign and I feel happy that we've finally finished the campaign. Week 11 (02/11/21); I can't wait to get the slides done and present our findings to SLAE to conclude everything. Week 12 (09/11/21); Looking at our slides really make me remember how far we have come from the beginning.

Week 6 (28/09/21); I notice that lighting and framing are really important. It changes the mood of the thing that we're filming. Week 7 (05/11/21); I notice that the campaign isn't going in the direction we hoped it would. It seems like Hasya isn't really happy about it too since it's her account. Week 8 (12/10/21); I notice that we really need to communicate with Hasya because everything isn't going as planned and it seems like our expectations from this campaign is different. Personally, I feel like it's unfair because we all take up this campaign for different reasons. We want to post more because we want to do more designs and have more to show as it's our assignment. However, Hasya is the account owner, and overpromoting will damage her account because it's a personal account, not a business account. I feel like it's very hard for us to balance between the two different goals. Week 9 (19/10/21); I notice that my group mates are quite determined to solve this issue and I'm glad that we didn't give up on creating a new account despite it being close to the end of the campaign. Week 10 (26/10/21); I notice that my groupmates are a bit tired, maybe since we did quite a lot in the last week, so they didn't want to continue posting. Week 11 (02/10/21); I notice that analysing the statistics is actually quite useful to access the effectiveness of the contents. Week 12 (19/10/21); I notice that SLAE seems to prefer content where the unislaefluencers post about their experience.

Week 6 (28/09/21); I find that it's much more efficient when we meet to take the photos and videos as we are more clear on what exactly we want. It also gives Hasya a guideline on our direction for our content. Week 7 (05/10/21); I find that Hasya seems a bit unhappy, but I'm not really sure what we can do to help the situation. Week 8 (12/10/21); I find that Hasya's goal and our goal aren't aligned. After talking to Hasya personally, I really do feel bad for her cause it's different when we are doing it for an assignment and she's doing it in her interest. Week 9 (19/10/21); I find that having another account is quite a good contingency plan. Although we won't be able to get much conversation, at least we are able to generate content and put our design skills into use without harming Hasya's account. Week 10 (26/10/21); I find that we could do more things in the new account. Week 11 (02/11/21); I initially thought that we didn't do much for the campaign, but looking back while we are doing the slides, we actually covered many of our content planning. Week 12 (19/10/21); I find that it's actually quite unpredictable on which content would be liked by the audience while we did the statistic analysis. You never really know what content will be more popular, but maybe it's also cause we only got to do this for one month. 


Volume measures how many people are talking about your brand (or content and industry) on social media. How large is the conversation around your brand? Are people talking about your industry/offering? These are questions volume can help answer. This can be measured by accessing how many people have tagged us, used our hashtags, etc. You need to refine your message to improve your volume. See if your audience prefers visual or written content. What content stirs more and discussions? 

2. Amplify Your Message With “Reach” 
Reach measures how many people have seen the content you distribute. Reach is a great indicator of your potential audience size. It measures how far your content and message spread across social media. It's also important to see how your content is reached to the audience. Is it by paid promotions? Do they see your content from hashtags, certain pages, etc? 

3. Build Trust and Nurture With “Engagement” 
Engagement measures how people are interacting with your brand and content across all social networks Engagement measures the actions taken on your content. This can be in the form of comments, likes, and shares. (Varies for different social media platforms) High engagement means your audience knows and trusts you. It’s an indicator that you’ve created a community around your brand. 

4. Inspire Action With “Influence” Influencing others is a longer process. 
When you are engaging with your audience, creating a community that they can trust, they will eventually be influenced by you. One way to reach this goal can also be by getting more involved with your audience. Communicating with them, talking to them (maybe by replying to direct messages, comments, etc). Run contests and events that encourage your followers to get involved. Learn how people use certain hashtags and create content around those topics


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