30/08/22 - 11/12/22 (Week 1 - Week 15)
Chan Jing Wen (0340480)
Major Project


Major Project

Week 1 (30/08/22)

We were briefed on the module during our first class. The module is an individual project and our projects can be based on:
  1. Sustainable Development Goals
  2. Our Design Research Dissertation Projects
  3. Client Work
I decided to work on sustainable development goals as it was the most fitting for me. I came up with a few ideas for what I could do. Below are the 2 ideas I decided to propose during the upcoming week:

Week 2 (06/09/22)

Feedback from Week 2: Mr Asrizal suggested that I should work on the first idea (microaggression). He said that I can try finding more research on the topic and what types of microaggression are there in Malaysia. We can also start thinking about how our final outcome may look like but it needs to come after we think of the problem itself.

I continued expanding my research on microaggression by looking at the types of microaggression in general and how it can be applied in Malaysian society. After researching more about it, I came up with a slightly more detailed planning for the proposed solution. The campaign will be split into a social media campaign and a physical campaign to achieve the different objectives.

Below are the proposal slides from Week 2's findings:

Week 3 (13/09/22)

Feedback from Week 3: Mr Asrizal asked me to continue expanding the research and further detailed out how the campaign will be.

I continued doing more research and think of the details of my campaign. I came up with the campaign name and the details of what will be expected from the campaign. In the slides below, you can see the rationale of each proposed strategies:

Week 4 (20/09/22)

Feedback from Week 4: Mr Asrizal suggested I can start working on my personas. Other than that, the proposal was fine. 

With the feedback, I focused on creating my characters' profile since my characters will be a reflection of my target audiences. I spent a lot of time doing research for each character because I want to make sure they're able to reflect the social group they are marked under. 

The biggest problem I faced was naming the characters. The names for each character are based on common names for each social group / in general, but I couldn't find much information for the indigenous character.

Below is my progression for the week:

Week 5 (27/09/22)

Feedback from Week 5: Mr Asrizal said there were too many personas and the naming for the indigenous character is a bit off. I'll have to relook into these 2 things for my proposal. Other than that, I can continue expanding on my proposal.

After receiving the feedback, I realised I can't just use my characters as my personas. Instead, I should create another set of personas that can further generalise and represent these characters. I created 4 personas and kept my 10 characters as just the representative that will be shown through the stories. I also started planning the social media content in more detail so I'm able to see how much work I'll need to get done by the end of this semester. 

Below are the proposal slides from Week 5's progression:

Week 6 (04/10/22)

Feedback from Week 6: Mr Asrizal approved the new persona and character listing. He said I can start coming up with some of the visuals to see if the art style would work for my project. With that, I'm mainly done with the proposing stage.

By the end of the week, I also decided to cut down my character list to 9 by removing the indigenous character. The main reason of the removal was because my research showed that the indigenous people's experience may be more than just microaggression. If I were to include the stories from them, it may get too political and it doesn't really sit under microaggression well. Although there are a lot of stories that should be shared through their perspective, it just didn't fit under my topic.

This whole week, I mainly focused on the art direction first and see if I could illustrate the characters out. As I'm not familiar with human anatomy and character design, I asked a lot of my entertainment design friends for feedback while I was creating the characters. 

The progression is all recorded in the slides below:

I also wrote the copywriting for the Instagram carousel posts based on the 9 characters I have. I tried to plan the visuals for each page as well:

Week 7 (11/10/22)

Feedback from Week 7: Mr Asrizal mainly commented on the poster designs. He said that they looked more like magazines than posters. It was overly crowded and I can try removing a lot of the unneeded text and elements. He suggested I try looking at actual posters in MRT stations and other places where I'd expected my posters to be placed. Some places may allow to put a few posters side by side, so maybe I can try separating the information I currently have into a few posters. The copywriting for the Instagram carousels also seemed quite long. Mr Asrizal said most people might not want to read so much so it will be better if I can make it shorter. Other than that, the art direction and removal of one character is fine.

Since Week 8 is Professional Development Week, I decided to put the posters aside and worked on the character designs first. I managed to finish all character designs in the week so I continued working on the social media carousels for the characters. I didn't want to start my posters first because I felt that the posters should be linked to the individual Instagram carousels.

Week 8 (18/10/22)

I managed to finish 3 character stories during the week. I had to amend a lot of the copywriting and the number of pages for each story as the previous planning was too text-heavy. 

Below is the progression from Week 7 and 8:

Week 9 (25/10/22)

Feedback from Week 9: Mr Asrizal said that some of the text were too small and I can try to use the square layout instead of portrait layout on Instagram. He said I didn't need the top and bottom content. I can just add an additional page at the end for the branding and key highlights. The rest of the visuals were okay so I can proceed to design the rest of the stories.

I tried to do the square layout for Instagram but it felt really weird. I tried asking some of my classmates' opinions and they said it was better for me to remain the original layout while enlarging some of the text. I decided to go with this solution instead and asked more of my friends to help me see if they were able to read the text clearly.

Below is the progression from Week 9:

Week 10 (01/11/22)

Feedback from Week 10: Mr Asrizal said everything was fine and I can continue with the remaining stories. 

I managed to finish all the stories by this week and started working on some of the collaterals. I designed the tag designs for the physical campaign, sticker packs, and postcards, since I wanted to print them early. 

I went to the MRT station to take photos of advertisements because I couldn't find mockups that reflected Malaysian MRT stations. 

I also proposed how I wanted the physical campaign to look like and added a candle to the list of collaterals.

Below is the slides for progression from Week 10:

Week 11 (08/11/22)

Feedback from Week 11: Same as last week, Mr Asrizal approved the stories and said I can continue working on the remaining collaterals. 

I redid the tag design because they looked overcrowded. Besides that, I did the designs for the candles, tote bags, and social media posts.

Below is the progression from Week 11:

Week 12 (15/11/22)

Feedback from Week 12: Mr Asrizal said the candles didn't really have the branding of the campaign so he suggested I revised on the design. He said it would be hard for people to tell where the candles were form if there weren't other supporting collaterals to back up the art direction. The tote bag design also seemed a bit lacking of the brand identity, but it wasn't as bad as the candles. 

I focused on printing the collaterals that I have this week as I was afraid it would take too long to print and receive. Therefore, I didn't have much to consult with Mr Asrizal for the following week.

Week 13 (22/11/22)

No Feedback from Week 13

I amended the candles, tote bags, and social media designs. I also worked on the last part of my project, which are the physical ads.

With that said, I was done with all of the designs for my project:

Week 14 (29/11/22)

Feedback from Week 14: The designs overall were fine but Mr Asrizal suggested to change the mockup for the candles as there weren't much contrast for the blue one. He also suggested to move the placement of the QR Code in the physical ads.

Final Submission Slides:


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