07/09/21 - 21/09/21 (Week 3 - Week 5)
Chan Jing Wen (0340480)
Creative Brand Strategy
Project 2


Lecture 4 (14/09/21)

Ms Lilian gave us general feedback on our Project 1 blogs. After that, we moved on to individual group feedback for each of our Project 1 and have Ms Lilian see our progression for Project 2.

Lecture 5 (21/09/21)

Ms Lilian gave us some feedback on our progression for Week 5 to work on the submission for Friday.


Project 2A and 2B

Week 3 (07/09/21)

For Project 2A, we created a new document and started our ideation process. We discussed with our influencer, Hasya, to make sure that everything we propose can be done by her since she will be the one in front of the camera and all the content will be posted on her own page.

Below is our progression on ideation :

Figure 1.1 Ideation Week 3 Progression

Week 4 (14/09/21)

After receiving feedback from Ms Lilian, we continued working on the ideation part. We made amendments to the things we have and created a posting schedule so we can detail the content of the posts and so on. 

Below is the word document file for our ideation process:

Figure 1.2 Ideation Week 4 Progress

We then created a spreadsheet so we can keep tabs on more things at once. Below is the spreadsheet:

Figure 1.3 Planned Posting Schedule

We also did our art direction in Miro. Prior to showing Hasya, the 3 of us did our own research on potential mood boards.

Figure 1.4 Individual Proposed Mood Board

After we discussed with Hasya, we narrowed down what we wanted to do and created a final mood board. Below is our final mood board.

Figure 1.5 Final Proposed Mood Board

Week 5 (21/09/21)

After receiving feedback from Ms Lilian, we made minor amendments to our work and created our submission slides. Below is our submission slide:

Figure 1.6 Project 2 Submission


Week 4 (14/09/21)

General Feedback:
Summarise the lecture notes, don't directly upload the lecture notes or copy and paste everything from it. Separate experience, observation and findings for reflection. Summarise other resources for your further reading. Doesn't have to be too detailed, just include some key points that you've learnt.

Specific Feedback:
Our Project 1B is ok, but a lot of the points we explained verbally was not transferred into our slides. The customer journey map wasn't really detailed. For Project 2, the campaign name seems a bit specific. If we are relating it to chrysanthemum, does that mean we need to add it visually in our designs later on? Will need to see if we can use other things to relate to this. Since our influencer selling point is "down to earth, friendly", can try to see how to include this during our planning. Brand positioning can try following the format in lecture notes. Other than that is fine. 

Week 5 (21/09/21)

Specific Feedback:
The meaning of our campaign name is much better now. Good that we have a posting schedule so we know exactly what we need. The mood board is good, Mr Lilian like the colours. Work on the slides.

Week 6 (28/09/21)

Specific Feedback:
Same as Project 1B, a lot of what we said verbally wasn't brought into our slides. Other than the posting schedule, some parts could be further detailed out. We could have given more visual examples of how we are planning to do the designs. Our visual reference can have more, colour palette can be separated to differentiate primary and secondary colours. We should consider having a secondary typeface for body text.


Week 4 (14/09/21); I think my group is doing quite well planning. Since my groupmates are very on time, it sort of motivates me to not procrastinate that much. Our working style is quite different, so I'll need to make sure I'm able to accommodate that too. We were also able to meet our facilitators this week, and our overall feedback was quite good, so I think we can do well if we continue to be more cautious and on track. Week 5 (21/09/21); I think overall is fine, just that there has been quite a lot of work across modules, and this is somewhat lesser? So my experience in this module was definitely more refreshing. 

Week 4 (14/09/21); I think it's good to have a schedule because it's beneficial for us to see what exactly we'll need and visualize how the content should be spread out throughout the campaign period. We really need to be critical in thinking about whether certain approaches will really work. Week 5 (21/09/21); I think we're on the right track, but it feels like there's much more that we can do. 

Week 4 (14/09/21); I feel like it's so much better when we're able to get Hasya involved because the campaign revolves around her, and she definitely knows her best. We really need to try being more friendly and like a team instead of having a work relationship kind of feel with her if we want to really understand her well. Week 5 (21/09/21); I find that I need to use better keywords to search for certain references.


Ten Rules of Personal Branding 
  1. Have a Focus: don't try to be everything to everyone. Stick to your key message. Create a personal brand that defines you. 
  2. Be genuine: Be genuine and authentic. People can always see if it's a disingenuous act, or if it's just a copycat. Being you is much easier to manage your branding on a daily basis. 
  3. Tell a story: Build a true narrative so that you're able to engage with your audience. One of the best ways to tell a story is through written content or videos. 
  4. Be consistent: It's much easier to get recognise if your content is consistent. Consistency must be across communication and appearance. Consistency allows people to associate things with your brand and know it's you. 
  5. Be ready to fail: It's important to have failed attempts so you're able to learn from them. 
  6.  Create a positive impact: It's good to grow a steady community around your brand. Keeping a positive attitude and helping others will help grow your brand in the long run. 
  7. Follow a successful example: We need to look at how celebrities, influential people do their own personal branding. 
  8.  Live your brand: It's easier if you create a personal brand that relates to your actual lifestyle. If your brand is who you really are, it strengthens and amplifies it. 
  9. Let other people tell your story: Word of mouth is important. Personal branding is like a reflection of who you are. How others know you will be your own branding. 
  10. Leave a legacy: When you have your personal brand and community, think of what you can leave behind for others.


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