24/08/21 - 07/09/21 (Week 1 - Week 3)
Chan Jing Wen (0340480)
Creative Brand Strategy
Project 1


Lecture 1

Branding is the process of quantifying the value and authenticity of an organization, product, or service. 

Brand strategy defines rules and guidelines on how, what, where, when and to whom the brand communicates the brand messages with. A good brand strategy is consistent with the brand message, and a strong emotional connection with customers and higher brand equity. 

Module Outline: 
  • Project 1: Case Study & Campaign Proposal (W1-W3) 
  • Project 2: Ideation & Design Direction (W3-W5) 
  • Project 3: Campaign Branding (W5-W13) 
  • E-portfolio: 4 blog posts (W4, W6, W14) 

Assessment Marks: 
  • Continuous Assessment 60% 
    • Project 1: Case Study & Campaign Proposal 30% 
    • Project 2 : Ideation & Design Direction 30% 
  • Final Assessment 40% (Hurdle) 
    • Project 3 : Campaign Branding 30% 
    • E-portfolio 10% 

E-portfolio requirement
  1. Lecture 
  2. Instructions 
  3. Research 
  4. Process 
  5. Submission 
  6. Feedback (noted weekly) 
  7. Reflection: Experience | Observation | Findings 
  8. Other Resources (books, websites, videos, etc.)

Lecture 2

"Successful brands are those that are dynamic and adaptable, that is able to evolve as markets change and audiences segment. A brand is not simply about looking good." 

Branding today is in our everyday lives. It is no longer done by certain companies or brands, it can be applied to cities, individuals, etc. 

The brand strategy should be done based on the client. Research on the market and audience should be done, social and environment should also be considered. After that, we should brainstorm the communication strategy and executions after considering the brand strategy. Things that come under creative execution are naming and logo, advertising and promotions, digital presence, and brand guidelines. 

A campaign is "a continuous attempt to communicate a message to its audience and usually stays for a longer period of time. It is also a marketing strategy that reaches out to its target audience with a singular (unified) effort to make announcements and create engagement." 

Social Media is "websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking" 

When branding a person, we need to consider the persons' reputation and think of plans to make them more visible. 

What is SWOT: 
  • Strengths: things that are done well 
  • Weaknesses: things that aren't done well 
  • Opportunities: chances based on the strengths 
  • Threats: challenges due to certain weaknesses 

A Customer Journey Map is "a visual representation of the customer journey (aka. buyer journey or user journey). It helps on identify customer’s experiences with the brand across all touchpoints in all stages." 

For the brand positioning statement, a template for this would be "TO (target audience), (brand) IS THE ONLY (frame of reference) THAT (benefits delivered) BECAUSE (proof points)


Project 1A

Week 1 (24/08/21)

I started researching what topic I can do for Project 1A after Ms Lilian briefed us on our Project 1A and 1B. I tried to find which topic to cover in the links that Ms Lilian provided us.

After reading through the link provided, I decided to do the social media campaign on Baby Yoda as it was the only one I have seen in my social circle. 

I drafted the points that I'll need before actually starting to do the slides. Below is the draft. Note that a lot of the content is not paraphrased and some parts of the research are not completed.

Figure 1.1 Drafted Research
After the draft was done, I started paraphrasing, eliminating some parts that aren't important, and adding more information that I found relevant. I also designed the slides based on Baby Yoda's colour palette and used some free stock images of it. 

Below is my submission on Week 2:

Figure 1.2 Project 1A Submission - Case Study

Week 3 (07/09/21)

After receiving feedback from Ms Lilian, I made relevant amendments to Project 1A and submitted a revised version.

Figure 1.3 Project 1A Revised Submission - Case Study


Week 2 (31/08/21)

Initially, me and Chia Min were grouped together for this project, but we eventually split and I joined Sean and Hui Woan.

Our group drafted some interview questions before meeting our influencer. Below is the list of interview questions we prepared:

Figure 1.4 Interview Questions

Ms Lilian and Ms Maria paired us up with our influencers on 27th August. We were then briefed by the facilitators and PICs from SLAE on 3rd September. After the briefing, we met with our influencer - Hasya, to understand her more through our interview.

Below is the interview questions and answers from the meeting:

Figure 1.5 Interview Questions and Answers

After the interview, our group went on to brainstorm the campaign proposal. Below is our word document for the proposal:

Figure 1.6 Project 1B Draft

Week 3 (07/09/21)

After receiving feedback from Ms Lilian in class, we worked on the amendments and created the submission slides for the campaign proposal:

Figure 1.7 Project 1B Submission - Campaign Proposal


Week 2 (31/08/21)

General Feedback:
Make sure to contact your influencers by this week. You'll need the information to create the proposal. Treat it like you guys are a group of 4. Always discuss with them.

Week 3 (07/09/21)

Specific Feedback:
Project 1A; the topic chosen is a bit off, research couldn't really cover a lot of the aspects. The overall branding can be tweaked to fit the rising popularity of Baby Yoda, for example, how social media helped generate interest for The Mandalorian. More visual key examples are needed. Overall, try to reangle it as a case study on social media branding. Project 1B; Overall research is good. The part where Hasya is able to reach out to others that have similar issues can be focused on. The Customer Journey Map needs more actual touchpoints. Brand positioning can refer back to our lecture slides.


Week 1 (24/08/21); I had quite a hard time with project 1A. At first, I thought Baby Yoda would be an interesting topic, but I found it very different from the other social media campaigns. I wanted to give up halfway, but there was some research that said it was and some that said it wasn't so I was so confused about what to do. Week 2 (31/08/21); The briefing with SLAE made me even confused about what we were doing, but luckily my classmates were clear enough so that's fine. The interview we had was also very awkward HAHA. Week 3 (07/09/21); I was happy that I could rework Project 1A a bit since I also felt like it wasn't that good.

Week 1 (24/08/21); I noticed that I'm not quite aware of what brands are doing during the pandemic. I didn't even know that some things could be considered as a social media campaign either. Week 2 (31/08/21); I noticed that our influencer was quite timid. I think our team should really try to help her feel comfortable around us. The interview seemed a bit too formal, so in a way, it wasn't really that good as a first impression. Week 3 (07/09/21); I think my classmates are doing their work even faster than last semester, stress.

Week 1 (24/08/21); I find myself a bit sad due to the change in the module structure :') but it's fine. Week 2 (31/08/21); I find the project a bit confusing cause I keep thinking about how are we supposed to brand a person. Week 3 (07/09/21); I find the project a bit more clearer after the proposal was sort of finalized. 


Figure 1.8 Creating Brand Strategies (screenshot taken from Brand Strategy | Marketing MO)

“Your brand is more than your logo, name or slogan — it’s the entire experience your prospects and customers have with your company, product or service.” 

The brand strategy we created should define what the brand stands for, a promise that can be made by the brand, and the personality conveyed. Logo, colour palette and slogan, are only creative elements that convey the brand. 

How consumers interact with the brand is through: 
  1. The image conveyed 
  2. Messages delivered through various platforms 
  3. How employees interact with customers 
  4. A customer’s opinion of you versus your competition 

Some key concepts & steps for a good brand strategy: 
  1. Begin with a competitive positioning strategy 
  2. Have a brand audit to see if customer, employees, and vendors' impressions are consistent with your strategy. 
  3. Develop your brand around emotional benefits 
  4. Define your brand personality, brand story and positioning statements


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